


Blackjack Bluebook II - the simplest winning strategies ever published (2006 edi
Fred Renzey
List Price $ 16.5

Blackjack Mentor Press
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A down-to-earth, comprehensive handbook on how to play and legitimately win at casino blackjack. It contains an extensive chapter on correct basic strategy, including a color-coded strategy chart--plus clear explanations of the proper plays for several hands that are consistently misplayed. Convincing visual scenarios are given to disprove prevalent blackjack myths which most typical players believe in--and steadfastly play by. It presents 3 different card counting systems ranging from entry-level to professional, and showcases the KISS Count--an easy-to-use, upgradable system for gaining a full-scale advantage in today's modern games. Also offers valuable, "outside-the-box" maneuvers for improving the performance of the common player, many of which have scarcely, or never appeared in print, such as: Profiting from Other Players' Hands, The Magnificent 7 Hands, Hi Card/Lo Card Layouts, The Ace/10 Front Count, True Fudging with Unbalanced Counts, and The "Nifty 15" Camouflage Hands. This book contains over 40 useful charts and 60 vivid hand illustrations.