


Handbook of Slot Machine Reel Strips
Daniel R. Mead
List Price $ 17.95

Mead Pub Corp
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There has never before been a published book of slot machine reel strip combination with complete payout statistics---until now. And what a book---nearly 300 total pages!

The heart of the Handbook consists of over 200 computer-generated charts which mathematically analyze various combinations of old factory-standard reel strips. Also included are various old casino combinations and patched versions, requiring simple punching of the discs on the lemon symbols in order to raise the payout percentages. The range is from 10 to 38 stops, from two reels to four; it's all here! The charts completely list the symbols in order of appearance on the strips, give the manufacturer's identification number (when available), and give detailed, symbol-by-symbol payout percentages as well as overall payout percentages.

With this book you will be able to establish a simple "Layout Code" for your machine's reel strips. This will permit you to quickly and easily look up this Layout Code in the Handbook and learn what you have probably already asked yourself: "What does it pay?"

If you are mathematically inclined, there is a complete chapter on how to formulate equations for the computation of a slot machine's payout statistics. Other chapters explain how the charts were devised, with a detailed explanation, containing an example, on how to use the charts.

This book is not for everyone. We recommend it for historians, collectors, enthusiasts and students. How about it . . . do you qualify?