


Education of a Sports Bettor
Bob McCune
List Price $ 39.95

Flying M Group
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I have never met a professional-level sports bettor who has not read the first edition of Education of a Sports Bettor. Most pro gamblers can quote passages from that first edition even years after having read it, and there can be no better testament than that to the value of this work. The purpose of writing this review is supposed to be to sell this 2nd Edition to sports bettors, but that purpose seems entirely unnecessary and redundant. It is as though the gods of sports betting are saying, "Of course, sports bettors will want this book. Just tell them it's available, then get out of the way and tell them where to buy it."

If you're already a successful handicapper get ready to improve your bottom line immediately and dramatically. If you're a recreational bettor wanting to expand your hobby this work will cut years from your learning time. Expert or beginner, you will be glad you got this book. The author covers everything it takes to be a successful sports bettor, including sections on how to predict winners in football, basketball and baseball, along with a thorough explanation of successful money management. Includes interviews with successful pro gamblers explaining 'how they do it'.