


Blackjack Basic (Playing) Strategy, 2 Decks
Hal Marcus
List Price $ 4.95

Stickysoft Corp.
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This new Blackjack Basic (Playing) Strategy card for 2 Decks is a blackjack player's dream come true. The laminated, six-panel, tri-fold card with rounded corners devotes four panel sides to covering the possible rule combinations of allowing or not allowing doubling down after a split, and the dealer hitting or standing on soft 17. Thus the card contains four playing strategies to allow you to choose the correct playing strategy for the rules that are in effect where you play.

The strategies display color-coded decision cells in addition to showing the text of the decision so you can choose which way you learn best. Also, each strategy panel is section-coded to facilitate learning the most important decisions first. Surrender is included among the decisions, and footnotes provide alternatives when decisions are not allowed. The 3.5" x 5" panel size makes possible larger text than on other strategy cards and three-letter (not confusing one-letter) decision abbreviations, yet the card still fits in your pocket.

End panels, which contain slits, are designed to fold in both directions and to lay flat to make it easy for you to quickly refer to the strategy you wish to use. One panel contains a pithy, insightful discussion of the playing decisions to help new players learn how to play the game; another panel provides a table which shows the House Edge for each of four rule combinations.

About 99% of blackjack players do not use the correct Basic Strategy. By using this Blackjack 6·7·8 strategy card, players will now be able to play almost even with the house.

Blackjack 6-7-8 strategy cards are also available for 1 Deck, 4-8 Decks, and Counter (as in "Card Counter") Basic, 4-8 Decks. In addition, the titles of the four different cards are color-coded (red, purple, blue, and green) so you can easily and quickly distinguish one card from another.