


The Everything Texas Hold 'em Book: Tips And Tricks You Need to Take the Pot (Ev
John Wenzel
List Price $ 9.95

Adams Media Corporation
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Does your tell-all poker face keep you from winning the pot? Did you know that a well-played bluff can help you win every hand? Have you been unable to master the tricks, tips, and tactics necessary for winning at Texas Hold'em?
The Everything Texas Hold'em Book is your key to winning big! Written by expert gambler and card shark John "Johnny Quads" Wenzel, this all-inclusive book guides you through the game of Texas hold'em-from how to deal the first hand to how to take the pot home! Tips and tricks include how to:
  • Master your perfect poker face so your opponents have no clue about your hand
  • Bluff your way so smoothly that your opponents think they've got you figured out
  • Use the rules, assess the risks, and employ expert tactics to win big, in casinos or at your buddy's house!
    Whether you're a new to the game or a veteran player, with The Everything Texas Hold'em Book you'll see what the cards have in store for you!
